First of all let’s start by defining your resting heart
rate. The Resting Heart Rate (RHR) is
your heart rate when you’re at rest; lying down, awake, and not having recently
exerted yourself. RHR is pretty simple
to find. First, find your pulse on the
inside of your wrist, just below the thumb, using two fingers to feel the
pulse. If it cannot be felt hear you can
check it on your neck over the carotid artery (just off the centre of your neck). Count the beats once you feel your pulse, counting the first beat as zero and count for 15 seconds. Take this number and multiply it by 4 and
you’ve got your resting heart rate in beats per minute. The normal range for a resting heart rate is between 60-100bpm, although some don’t always fall in this range. Many athletes have resting heart rates between 40-60bpm and elderly individuals often have higher heart rates. A few tips to ensure accuracy: be well
rested, avoid stimulants (e.g. caffeine), and ensure you are well
Generally speaking, the lower the number the better, the
lower the number the more fit you are. Why? Simply, because the more blood your heart can
pump with each beat the less times it has to beat each minute to supply adequate
blood flow to the body (i.e. a larger heart capacity). How can you lower it? Again, the simple answer, by engaging in regular aerobic exercise.
It is important to note that everyone’s RHR is different and
there are several factors that can affect it.
Some of these factors include: caffeine (increases), how well rested you are (lack of rest can increase), dehydration (increases),
and even overtraining. The last one may be surprising, but a rising
resting heart rate could indicate that your loading on too many high intensity
workouts causing your body to fall behind in repairing itself, leading for poor
performance and injury
What’s the relevance?
It can be used to calculate Target Heart Rate (THR) zones for
training. This is done through the Heart
Rate Reserve (HRR) or Karnoven method
(about the most accurate we can get when prescribing training zones).
How do I calculate? Using the formula below:
THR = (HR Max – HR Rest) x % Intensity + HR Rest
HR Max = 220 – age
E.g. For a 20yr old with a resting hear rate of 55bpm wants
to work at 60% of his HRR.
60% Intensity THR =
(220 – 55) x 0.6 + 55
What should your target HRR training zone be? Well that really depends on what you’re
training for and the intensity your looking to attain. Here is a general breakdown of the different
training zones and intensity according to the HRR method.
<20% HRR
Very Light
20-39% HRR
40-59% HRR
60-84% HRR
Very Intense
As a general recommendation for aerobic training working
between 50-85% HRR (moderate to intense) is a good guideline. Anything lower than this you are going to
have a hard time seeing results, and anything higher is going to be incredibly
difficult to sustain.

That’s all for now,
“Repetition is based on body rhythms, so we identify with the heartbeat, or with walking, or with breathing” – Karlheinz Stockhausen
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