Thursday, 26 April 2012

Tabata Training

So I have recently got into tabata training for my own working out.  I must say, it is quite the workout.  It is based around high-intensity intervals, so your really only working out for 20-30 minutes, but you are going hard!  I know I'm pretty beat by the end of it.

So how does it work? 
20 seconds WORK to 10 seconds REST x 8 = 4 minutes work per exercise

There are lots of apps if your using an iPhone or iTouch which do all the timing and counting down for you...way easier then starting and stopping your own stop watch.

There are a number of ways to set up your tabata workout, but for an example, here is a workout I have done a number of times now:

Squats - 20sec:10sec x 8
Push Ups - 20sec:10sec x 8
Jump Lunges - 20sec:10sec x 8
Grasshopper - 20sec:10sec x 8

It may only be 20 minutes but it'll make you sweat.

With it being high-intensity exercise I can't stress enough the importance of a warm-up.  If you are limited on space, here is a an idea of a way to get that HR up and the body moving.
Warm up:
50 jumping jacks, 25 mountain climbers, 20 walking lunges, 10 high knees/10 heel kickers x 5, Repeat sequence again one more time.

In addition to a warm up...important to do some good stretching and cooling down at the end of your workout. The cool down is a great time to work on your flexibility, so take the extra time and hold your stretches for at least 20 seconds.

There's my insight on tabata training.  It isn't something you'd do for training everyday, but if your can throw it in to your routine a couple of times a week or just need to change it up then most definitely give it a try!


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