Thursday, 26 April 2012

Tomorrow's Yoga Class

I am running a Friday lunch time yoga class tomorrow so I thought I would share :)

Mountain I Warm-up
Mountain Pose (deep breathing)
Moonflowers (10-15 breaths)
Sunflowers (10-15 breaths)
Chair Flow (5 times)
Downward Dog (3-5 breaths)
Extended Childs Pose
Cat & Cow (5 times)
Spinal Balance (3 times/side)
Kneeling Plank to Crocodile (5 times)
Downward Dog (3-5 breaths)
Forward Fold

Valley I Sun salutations
Inhale, Sweep the arms up
Exhale, Forward fold
Inhale, Lunge
Exhale, Downward dog
Inhale, Plank
Exhale, Lower/Crocodile
Inhale, Upward dog
Exhale, Downward dog
Inhale, Lunge
Exhale, Forward Fold
Inhale, Reverse swan dive
Exhale, Chair

Mountain II Work phase/Standing series
(Holding for 3-5 breaths)
Twisting Chair
Downward Dog
Warrior I
Warrior II
Reverse Warrior
Standing Straddle Splits
Warrior Series on Other Side
Downward Dog
Half Series Flow x 2

Valley II Balance posture
Tree Pose

Mountain III Cool-down/Floor series
(Holding for 5-10 breaths)
Extended Child's Pose
Abdominal Work (Bicycle Crunches)
Knees to Chest
Upside Down Pigeon
Supine Spinal Twist

Final Relaxation Shavasana
Lying flat on your back, feet wider then mat width apart, arms out to the side, palms facing up.  Allow your body to completely relax here, letting go of everything, allowing yourself to feel as though you are sinking into the ground below.  Focus on your breath, on your three part breath.  As you inhale, feel your chest rise, your ribs rise, and your stomach rise.  As you exhale, you stomach falls, your ribs fall, and finally the chest falls.  Mentally scan your body and become aware of any areas where you may feel tension.  Note these areas, and send the breath to them, as to blow all the tension away.  Allow your mind to be free of any thoughts and judgements you may have placed upon yourself during class.  Let all of that go, don't focus on anything else but you and your breath.

Namaste :)

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